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Hi my name is Bianca I’m one of the two people that will be posting stuff on this blog. The next person is my best friend of 12 years, Lovern! So welcome to our blog!! It all started a year ago with an idea. We both decided to start a project that we both can do together, that we both like to do and would fit in both of our busy schedule. We love fashion related stuff, food, cute stuff and more, so we asked ourselves how can we put all these things in common and make something out of it. First we thought YouTube but my best friend isn’t as comfortable as I am speaking on camera. So then I was like well since we both have tumblrs and love it why not make our own blog where we can post all kinds of stuff and both be comfortable doing it. My best friend agreed to it with so much enthusiasm. But like I said we were both busy and couldn't take the time to start. But summer 2013 we said this is it, were going to start and here we are! XD -Fashionista Sisters L&B <3

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Has Virginity Become A Taboo subject?

Are generation has lost  value in a women's virtue.


So let me start by pointing out I personally do not care if a women chooses to lose or keep her virginity , that decision is for her to take .But me being a virgin , I feel that are generation puts a lot of pressure on ''sex''. I remember the days when women took pride in saying their still virgins and they were waiting for ''the one'' or until they got married. Me personally , I don't necessarily  want to wait until marriage I just want to be ready and make sure that the person loves and respects me for who I am. And how do you know when someone is ''the one'' anyways ? By his words,actions or miss leading gestures? Those too can be deceiving. And ''the one'' is only in  your imagination . He's the one you would want him to be.

Last time I heard 12 & 13 year old were having sex. Their vagina isn't even properly formed yet.  I remember my mom used to say those girls need to learn how to wash their underwear properly before having sex ! Some of you may or may not know but a women's vagina is matured and properly develop at the age of 18. (And yes there can be special cases) At 13 years old I was thinking about winning my Basket-Ball regionals , not about condoms ,birth control or  any of that crap. I was being a kid and doing things that kids do at that age. Again I blame society , putting sex everywhere because it sells and it's appealing .

And ladies if you are in a relationship where your partner isn't a virgin and you are then you are going to have a real rocky start. Because if a man tells you ''oh it's no problem , you being a virgin and all I can wait don't worry'' THAT'S A LIE! Truust mee!!!! It's going to cause a lot of issues and problems in the relationship. You not knowing the feeling of penetration and all that can't crave something you've never had or experienced . But for him who has already tasted the waters . Hmmm.. A man is a preditor always ready to hunt! Just remember that.

Another thing I don't understand is that  some guys  say they wanna marry a virgin but yet they can't date one for a long period without having sex? It's like when the going get tough they didn't realize it's  would of been that hard not having sex for 2-3 years. And yes some men that can't wait on their partner well they go get it from someone else who's willing to give them , and honestly I find that very sad . Then I guess you didn't love and respect me enough to wait because  you went and got it from  some sleaze, who you clearly don't know her previous intime background  then you think your going to bring you're nastiness in me? HA! 

Girls we need too have some strong will power in order to keep are values & beliefs in this world. And I know there some strong women out there and I have mad respect for y'all.  I've been dating the same guy for the past 5 years on and off. And trust me it's been causing so much issues. But I'm determined to lose my virginity when I will be ready not because HE is pressuring me.  And I have to say I've been very lucky in that department. If a man loves you and cherishes you then he'll respect  you enough to wait. I know my goodies are delicious and I can brag about them .  Some people agree with my decision and some others think I'm crazy to have kept it from him for so long . Can you believe that? It's like he was a  dog doing a good deed and now I was going to give him a treat. And honestly I don't care what anybody else thinks ,I'm proud  being a virgin. There's nothing wrong with me . I'm not gonna sit here and tell you guys oh well I've never been curious or get urges to do stuff because that would be a lie . I just control my urges and know when to stop them. Because at the end of the day I don't want to regret it. Even if me and the person aren't together I can look back on my life 10 years from now and I can say I was blessed to have lost it to someone who loved and cherished me.
cute emoticons photo:  thmyavatar170020012.gif


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