About Us

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Hi my name is Bianca I’m one of the two people that will be posting stuff on this blog. The next person is my best friend of 12 years, Lovern! So welcome to our blog!! It all started a year ago with an idea. We both decided to start a project that we both can do together, that we both like to do and would fit in both of our busy schedule. We love fashion related stuff, food, cute stuff and more, so we asked ourselves how can we put all these things in common and make something out of it. First we thought YouTube but my best friend isn’t as comfortable as I am speaking on camera. So then I was like well since we both have tumblrs and love it why not make our own blog where we can post all kinds of stuff and both be comfortable doing it. My best friend agreed to it with so much enthusiasm. But like I said we were both busy and couldn't take the time to start. But summer 2013 we said this is it, were going to start and here we are! XD -Fashionista Sisters L&B <3

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Everything sweet!

❤ Sweet Tooth

Like every other human being in this world , I have my weaknesses. Some people gamble, and others are shopaholics. My weakness is kinda on the sweet side . Yes, I have a major sweet tooth. Especially , when my cravings are adorable and cute , its a bonus.

Who doesn't like once in a while having a chocolate bar here and there .There's nothing wrong with that ..right ?  Well I don't think there is . So yesterday for some strange  reason I was craving muffins. But not your simple,ordinary muffin. With extra filling cream inside . I remember a while back I was doing a project and we all gathered at one of my friends house , and one of my teamates brought these muffins that he bought near her house. And they were so delicious I kinda felt bad eating 2 . So then yesterday I went to the store and found them! They weren't the same flavor as the one he had but hey a muffin is a muffin.
                                            (Chocolate & White cream)

They were soo goood! It really tasted like a chocolate cake with a decadent white , creamy filling! Yuup I was a little piggy who went to the market. Anyways just a little tip for people who also have a sweet tooth like me . When you have a small craving try to tend to it right away. Because I realized that sometimes when I put my craving  on stand by, it gets bigger and bigger and at a point I'm eating twice as much just because I kinda neglected it. So whenever you feel like being a little peckish or whatever just tend to it right away so you don't feel overwhelmed and eat twice as  much. 
 photo funny-girl-emo-064.gif~ Bianca

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