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Hi my name is Bianca I’m one of the two people that will be posting stuff on this blog. The next person is my best friend of 12 years, Lovern! So welcome to our blog!! It all started a year ago with an idea. We both decided to start a project that we both can do together, that we both like to do and would fit in both of our busy schedule. We love fashion related stuff, food, cute stuff and more, so we asked ourselves how can we put all these things in common and make something out of it. First we thought YouTube but my best friend isn’t as comfortable as I am speaking on camera. So then I was like well since we both have tumblrs and love it why not make our own blog where we can post all kinds of stuff and both be comfortable doing it. My best friend agreed to it with so much enthusiasm. But like I said we were both busy and couldn't take the time to start. But summer 2013 we said this is it, were going to start and here we are! XD -Fashionista Sisters L&B <3

Monday, July 22, 2013

Healthy life

Don’t be fooled


So I’m sure we've all seen those commercials where you can take 1 pill a day and BAM in a few weeks you've shed weight and even manage to get some abs!! I’m sorry but that’s a load of BS to me. Okay, okay, so I haven’t tried the pills but you can’t tell me that they are making people go from say 300 lbs to 140 lbs?!?! That’s just way too ridiculous, unrealistic and very unhealthy to me. Of course it’s an advertisement and people scam their way at the expense of desperate and lazy (not all) people and it’s pretty sad but it works because they are making money off of them. Now if we can just take the time to realise that getting healthy and staying so is a lot of work and dedication, maybe then people can stop pilling up on those useless weight loss pills. To be honest we don’t even know the side effects to using them... Also if they were sooo effective wouldn't gyms and personal trainers be out of business??? Last time I checked, people still went to the gym ....I wonder why...? -__-‘’

Dieting or pass?


Now I’m no specialist in the health department but I’m not stupid either, anything you want in life you have to work hard for it and there’s no two way about it. That also goes for your health as well. Now I’m no fan of dieting because to me it never made any sense. I love food waaay to much to do it but personally it’s all about eating in moderation. Don’t go overboard with the things you love to eat. Now I don’t eat junk food all day everyday but it’s not a crime if I decide to have a burger every now and again just as long as I’m not eating it every single day along with other junk foods. Eat your fave food in moderation (if they are not on the healthier side) and have more fruits and veggies every day. Now if you can’t seem to stop the junk food then it’s a lack of discipline you need to work on and controlling your cravings. Like I said..it’s all hard work but it WILL pay off. Here is an interesting chart I found about cravings and what you really need when you do start to crave junk food.

Good = Good & Bad = Bad...Duh!


Now again I’m not a specialist but it just makes sense to eat clean and healthier food, drink a lot of water, do simple exercises and have some good sleep. I can guarantee that your mood will change and your body will feel better. This is how I see it:
  •          Eating healthy = No bloated feelings, less tired, less hungry (believe it or not)
  •          Drinking water = energy gained, good for hair and skin, feel hydrated
  •          Exercise = body feels good, lose weight, sleep better, less tired, less depressed
  •        Sleep well = mood is better, you feel better, look better, happier

As opposed to..

  •          Eating junk food = you feel stuffed, more tired, weight gain
  •          Drinking fructose juice & soft drinks = gassy feeling, too much sugar for nothing
  •          Hardly exercising = feel tired, weak, bored, depressed, down, lack of energy
  •          Lack of sleep = cranky mood, body ache, even more tired, no concentration

Of course there are more reasons for each point but I simply named a few. All in all what you put in your body and what you do to it will show up eventually. You put bad things in it and you will produce bad results and if you put good, you’ll get good results.

 Get to know how your body works


Get to know your body and by that I mean not everyone will produce the same results or as fast as they would like to. For example one person can eat a salad and probably lose more weight than if you had eaten a salad. Now it may be aggravating but it’s not a reason to quit. Yes in life some people have to work harder to be healthy than others but so what; their battle is not the same as yours and yours is not theirs. At the end of the day it’s not a race and the important thing is that you are one step closer to being a better you. So maybe salad does not only work for you, maybe you have to exercise more or maybe you gain weight fast whatever the reason is,  as long as you do what you need to do there is no way you won’t get the results you want unless you quit. So take the time to learn what works best for your body and don’t concentrate on others because we are all different.

Healthy foods CAN be delicious


So for people who think that eating healthy is like eating grass well you can surf the web for some delicious recipes with plenty of fresh and healthy ingredients. Eating clean does not have to be a torturous journey. Start by gathering the fruits and vegetables that you actually like and start making something out of them that you would enjoy. Now drinking a lot of water is important but if you don’t like tasteless drinks then there are ways to ‘’jazz up’’ your water also there are plenty of fruit smoothies you can make as well. So don’t just assume that everything lean and green taste like crap because there are so many different types of good food that you have never thought would taste good and also be good for you.. so it’s win-win situation yeaaah!  Eventually you won’t feel the need to eat junk anymore because you would feel much better eating what’s best for you..it’s just takes an open mind and motivation. Don’t be so quick to shut something down without trying it especially if it’s good for your health.

A way to make water have some taste:

Some ingredients to making delicious smoothies:

No time or money for gym? No worries


So some excuses people use for not being able to do some exercise are: no money, no time, too busy, no gym close by etc etc. But you can actually take at least 5 mins out your day to do a couple of jumping jacks, some push ups, squats or crunches etc. They may be hard to do at first because your body is not used to that kind of physical work yet but keep at it and you’d be able to get more stamina and start to do more in the near future. That’s one of the great things in life is that you get better with practice so when you keep at it, you’ll start to see that you’re able to do more things compared to when you first started. You can start by doing like 20 crunches before going to bed and another 20 in the morning. Eventually you can add 5 to 10 more if you feel comfortable doing so. It’s all about how you deal with it, if you really wanted to do something you’d find a way instead of finding excuses.

 Finally these are just my opinion on a healthy lifestyle. It just makes sense to me to do what people have been doing for years to stay fit and active instead of using a quick fix get fit pill. I just don’t see how one small thing can do all that while you still can eat all the crap you want...something does not sound right. So I say stay away from it and stick to what you know because you’re definitely smarter than that. If you really feel the need to try one then at least do a complete research on it and use it at your own risk. At the end of the day hard work and dedication always pays off.

A little bit of motivation


P.S. I forgot to mention of course that motivation plays a big part in staying healthy. People can motivate you and it helps a lot but if no one is motivating you, then you motivate yourself because it's YOUR body and you deserve to keep it in good shape for a better life. So here are some ways to get motivated on your own because people are not always going to be around to push you:

Hope your journey to a better you goes well. Good luck.


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